1. Technische Hoogeschool te Delft, Archief Afdeeling Algemeene Wetenschappen. Minutes of the meeting of professors: [AW 11 19 IX 1934; [AW 21 9 XI 1934. Delft University ofTechnology, Central Archives.
2. Correspondence of Jan M. Burgers and Dirk J. Struik: [Bu 1] DJS to JMB, 4 VIII 1918; [Bu 2] DJS to JMB, 22 VII 1919; [Bu 3] DJS to JMB 25 VIII 1925; [Bu 4] DJS to JMB 28 VIII 1925; [Bu 5] DJS to JMB 18 VIII 1926; [Bu 6] Ruth Struik to JMB 5 VII 1927; [Bu 7] DJS to JMB 6 VII 1927. Burgers Archives, Laboratory for Aero- and Hydrodynamics, Delft University of Technology.
3. Ehrenfest Scientific Correspondence, including Dirk J. Struik, Jan Tinbergen, and Jan M. Burgers: [ESC 133] Paul Ehrenfest to Jan M. Burgers, 2 XI 1928; [ESC 134] JMB to PE, 2 XI 1928; [ESC 135] JMB to PE, 4 XI 1928; [ESC 373] Jan Tinbergen to PE, 13 IV 1928. Ehrenfest Archives, Museum Boerhaave, Leiden.
4. Correspondence of Jan A. Schouten: [Sch 1] D. J. Struik to J. A. Schouten, 15 VIII 1945; [Sch 2] DJS to JAS, 5 IV 1947; [Sch 3] DJS to JAS, 18 V 1947; [Sch 4] DJS to JAS, 30 XI1 1950; [Sch 5] JAS to DJS, 14 I 1951. Library of the Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science (CWI), Archives Wiskundig Genootschap, Amsterdam.
5. Dirk Struik, ‘Leiden’, Chaps. V and VI from unpublished autobiographical manuscript, ca. 1970.