Basu Moumita,Pal Pankaj K.
Floral biology with respect to pollination ecology of Abroma augusta, a traditionally used medicinal plant, has been worked out. The pollination is entomophilous, performed by two species of Diptera, one belonging to Agromyza and the other to Melanagromyza. The former one is overwhelmingly dominant in the visitor-population and found to be much more active within the flower in comparison to the latter, which is somewhat lethargic. Pollinators are primarily attracted by sapromyophilous means. The flower is pendulous and semi-trap type with lateral windows and window-panes. Internally, the flower is differentiated into the androecial and gynoecial chambers separated by a staminodial cup. The plant is obligatorily entomophilous, even for autogamy. A number of floral rewards are offered within the androecial and gynoecial chambers for retention and movement of the pollinators. Pollen deposition over the pollinators is nototribic.
Botanical Survey of India
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