The relevance of the presented work is to increase the speed in the operation of the pipe cold rolling mill for a possible in-crease in technical and economic indicators. In the pilot plant, it was decided to take the KhPT-450 machine (PJSC Chel-yabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant), the speed of which was increased to 30 % by switching on energy-efficient equipment. The analysis of cyclic automation showed that the operating time of the electric drive is about 30 %, which gives a positive technical and economic indicator. In view of this, it was decided to take a decision from the mechanical power circuit of the bevel gear, which in turn turned into a mechanical part of the system. However, reducing the gear ratio of the gearbox leads to a dynamic load on the motor shaft. The analysis of the work of the technological process with the help of the technique of synthesis of the power part of the electric drive is carried out. The method includes several stages of analysis: determination of the trajectory of motion parameters, electrical equipment, structure selection, as well as corrective connection parameters. This method allows you to give a complete reverse opera-tion of the electric drive. As a result, the speed, position, and torque control loop data is carefully correc¬ted. In the Agree-ment, a feasibility study was carried out from the introduction of the presented methodology. The indicators show that the positive effect is not only manifested in the speed of work by 80 %, but the economic effect is also growing in a positive way.
FSAEIHE South Ural State University (National Research University)
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