During an energy conversion process, the total harmonic distortion and losses will increase while its power stability decreases. Multilevel inverter technology can be utilized to alleviate the shortcomings of conventional inverters. These technologies have become recognized as cost-effective solutions for a wide range of industrial applica-tions. Reduced component losses and lower switching losses, as well as improved output voltage and current wave-forms are the first advantages of this design. In multilayer inverters, elimination of harmonic components in the inverter output voltage and current is crucial. This paper proposes a system that consists of three different renewable energy sources. Two of them are PV solar systems while the third is wind turbine simulated in MATLAB Simulink. Seven-level inverters based on switch reduction techniques are proposed in this paper. The proposed system design is verified in the absence of PV systems to produce five voltage levels as a contingency in PV systems.
FSAEIHE South Ural State University (National Research University)
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