Termodiffusion saturation of the surface of alloys with two or more elements remains poorly understood despite the great practical and scientific interest that this method of chemical-thermal treatment represents. The simultaneous introduction of several elements can significantly reduce the processing time of products and obtain a multiphase composition on the surface of the product, which opens up wide opportunities for imparting unique technological and operational properties to products. The article describes the features of the distribution of chromium and vanadium during joint thermal diffusion saturation of steel X35CrNi2-3 at a temperature of 1000 °C. The proposed analysis technique is based on the possibilities of X-ray spectral microanalysis of diffusion layers on transverse microsections of the obtained samples. The elemental composition of the diffusion layer was monitored using a JEOL JSM-6460 LV universal scanning electron microscope. The microstructure was studied on an optical metallographic microscope Axio Observer D1.m. X-ray phase analysis was carried out on a Rigaku Ultima IV diffractometer. The hardness measurement was carried out on an FM-800 microhardness tester at a load of 100 g. Data were obtained on the qualitative and quantitative distribution of chromium and vanadium in the surface layer of steel. It is shown that the emerging diffusion coating has the following structure: a structureless outer layer, consisting mainly of chromium, vanadium carbides → a region of columnar crystals (experiencing γ→α transformation upon cooling), consisting mainly of their Cr1.0V0.4Fe0.3 solid solution → partially decarburized α-phase → base metal. The diffusion coefficients of chromium and vanadium are determined: in the α-phase DCr = 1.3·10–15 m2/s; DV = 1.8·10–14 m2/s; in the γ-phase DCr = 1.13·10–15 m2/s; DV = 1.3·10–15 m2/s. The microhardness of the outer surface layer was 1400–1980 H, the diffusion layer in the base metal was 630–790 HV, and the base metal was about 540–510 HV.
FSAEIHE South Ural State University (National Research University)
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