1. Polozheniye OAO «Rosseti» o edinoy tekhnicheskoy politike v elektrosetevom komplekse [The Regulation of JSC Rosseti on the unified technical policy in the electric grid complex]. Moscow: JSC "Rosseti", 2017. 196 p. (In Russ)
2. Tekhnologicheskiye narusheniya. Svodnyye dannyye ob avariynykh otklyucheniyakh v mesyats po granitsam territorial'nykh zon deyatel'nosti OAO «MRSK Urala» v 2022 godu [Technological disruptions. Summary data on emergency shutdowns per month along the borders of the territorial zones of activity of IDGC of the Urals in 2022] // Rossetti Ural. URL: https://rosseti-ural.ru/disclosure/monopoly/characteristic/disturbances / (accessed: 02/28/2023). (In Russ)
3. O svodnykh dannykh ob avariynykh otklyucheniyakh i meropriyatiyakh po ikh ustraneniyu [About summary data on emergency shutdowns and measures to eliminate them] // Rossetti Northwest. URL: https://rosseti-sz.ru/infodisclosure/2standartdisclosure/-11avarii / (accessed: 02/28/2023). (In Russ)
4. Informatsiya o svodnykh dannykh ob avariynykh otklyucheniyakh v mesyats po granitsam territorial'nykh zon deyatel'nosti organizatsii, vyzvannykh avariyami ili vneplanovymi otklyucheniyami ob"yektov elektrosetevogo khozyaystva, s ukazaniyem daty avariynogo otklyucheniya ob"yektov elektrosetevogo khozyaystva i vklyucheniya ikh v rabot [Information on summary data on emergency outages per month along the boundaries of the territorial zones of the organization's activities caused by accidents or unplanned outages of power grid facilities, indicating the date of emergency shutdown of power grid facilities and their inclusion in the work] // Rosseti Lenenergo. URL: https://rosseti-lenenergo.ru/standart/4006.html#tab1664 (accessed: 07.04.2023)
5. Tekhnicheskoye sostoyaniye setey [Technical condition of networks] // Rosseti Center URL. https://www.mrsk-1.ru/customers/territory/networks / (accessed: 07.04.2023). (In Russ)