1. NUS Business School, Singapore
E-government is the employment of latest technologies and innovative practices in the services offered by the government and other information management systems to increase transparency and efficiency of these services. Agricultural extension services involve all the new and latest technologies related to the agricultural sector of a country. Agricultural sector is important for any country as most of the people are associated with this sector. This research studies the impact of e-government adoption and agricultural extension services on agricultural growth in ASEAN countries. In addition to these variables, two control variables i.e. literacy rate and population have also been used. The studies from the past research have been discussed in literature review section of this paper. To conduct research, data about the above-mentioned variables has been collected from ASEAN countries consisting of 28 years. After using several techniques and approaches, one of the two major hypotheses of this study is accepted along with the impact of a control variable, literacy rate. However, the other major hypothesis and the impact of other control variable i.e. population is rejected. This study has various theoretical, practical and policy making implications to increase agricultural growth.
IJAICT India Publications
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