1. Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, National Ocean University, Taiwan.
Induction motor is widely used in many fields due to its simple structure, well-grounded operation, and small capacity of precise power. The conventional traction motor drives have been observed experimentally that there is a presence of speed deviation and torque ripples. Therefore, it becomes much essential to verify the control performance of the system by including its non- linear characteristics. To overcome the disadvantages mentioned above, the parameters of an induction motor which is most efficient will be estimated. The induction motor is dynamically modelled using this estimated parameter. So the proposed system focuses on improving the performance of traction motor drive by implementing the multilevel inverter fed sensor less induction motor using modified model reference adaptive system and compared with conventional model reference system based voltage source inverter. The simulation and hardware results will be realized for proposed system and compared with conventional system.
IJAICT India Publications
Materials Chemistry,Economics and Econometrics,Media Technology,Forestry
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