1. Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore, TamilNadu, India.
Study of creep properties of AISI 316 LN stainless steel has been carried out. AISI 316 LN is a contender material for major structural components for high temperature applications in boilers and heat exchangers due to its good mechanical properties at high temperatures, corrosion resistant with chemicals and adequate welding characteristics. The main aim of this research is to obtain creep data and study the compatibility of AISI 316 LN stainless steel for ultra-super critical (USC) boiler and heat exchanger applications. The creep test is carried out at 600°C and 700°C for constant applied loads below the yield strength. Study result obtained, time to undergo creep deformation for the applied parameters are more for AISI 316 LN compared to AISI 316 L. It is concluded that AISI 316 LN has good creep resistance than AISI 316 L.
IJAICT India Publications