Effect of enzymes by substitution of corn with wheat on growth performance and digestibility of broilers


Javed Khuram,Salman MuhammadORCID,Sharif Muhammad,Muneer Hussain,Najam Talha,Iqbal Umair


Substitution of corn with wheat associated with its variable energy content and detrimental effect on broiler performance. In a case of high-cost yellow corn, several feed producers are choosing to replace yellow corn with other ingredients like wheat, barley or sorghum. The predominant Non Starch Polysaccharides (NSP) in wheat are the pentosans (arabinixylans).  Nonstarch polysaccharides create a viscous environment in the gastrointestinal tract of broiler chickens thereby interfering with the digestion and absorption of nutrients. Broilers lack endogenous enzymes to degrade arbino-xylans of wheat. Supplementation of exogenous feed grade enzymes to the cereal based diets improve the performance of broilers. Enzyme supplementation of chicken cereals based diets has resulted in improved starch and nitrogen digestibility as well as improved absorption of starch, amino acids and lipids. Supplemental enzymes such as β-glucanase, xylanase, protease and amylase break the polymeric chains of NSP into smaller pieces, thereby improving their nutritional value. The study concluded that the supplementation of NSP-degrading enzymes in wheat-based diet improve growth performance, ileal viscosity and gastric passage rate in broiler chickens.


Lepidus Tecnologia








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