The aim of this research is the examination of scientific production on badminton. The data were obtained from studies published in the British Medical Journal, Eric, ULAKBIM National Databases, WOS, Google Scholar, ProQuest, and YÖK National Theses Center databases between 1939 and 2020. A total of 856 publications, including 624 articles, 134 proceedings papers, 71 M.Sc. theses, and 27 Ph.D. dissertations, were included in the research. The data obtained from these studies was analyzed using content analysis. Most publications were produced between 2016 and 2020. 751 publications in English and 105 in Turkish. It was observed that the distribution of the number of productions and the number of authors were close to each other. 134 proceedings papers (90 full-texts, 44 abstracts) were identified. Of the studies, 670 were quantitative, 105 were qualitative, 54 were mixed design, and 27 were reviews. Experimental design was used the most, and historical design was used the least. Stratified and simple random sampling methods were mainly used. Most studies were conducted with athletes, and the least with instructors (coaches and teachers). Most studies were conducted on exercise and sports physiology and the least on physical education, games, and recreation. The studies focused on physiological, anthropometric, and motoric measurements as the main themes. As a result; it has been determined that scientific productions on badminton are mostly studies on exercise and sports physiology in which physiological, anthropometric and motoric measurements are taken by conducting experimental studies on athletes selected by simple random sampling.
Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation,Orthopedics and Sports Medicine,Education