Consumer Behaviour of Organic Food: A Developing Country Perspective


Iqbal Mehree


The demand of organic food is increasing despite its premium pricing and lack of availability particularly in developing countries like Bangladesh. This paper aims to provide the insights about organic foods and the intention consumers have to purchase or not to purchase organic food. The pesticide-residue problem has opened a market opportunity for organic food as it is produced without any form of synthetic chemicals. As there was insufficient literature, a survey was conducted on 900 respondents on six major supermarkets selling organic food in the capital city of Bangladesh. It is found that, consumers expect the organic foods to be healthier, tastier, and environment friendly. The organic food buyers tend to be older with child, have higher education level and family income than those of non-buyers. The barrier of organic food is that majority consumers have less knowledge and do not know the main differentiation between organic foods and traditional foods.


Publishing India Group

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