1. P.L. Kirillov, Yu.G. Yuriev, V.P. Bobkov. Handbook of thermohydraulic calculations (nuclear reactors, heat exchangers, steam generators). M.: “Energoatomizdat”, 1990, 358 p.
2. A.I. Clemin, L.N. Polyanin, M.M. Strigulin. Teplohydraulic calculation and thermotechnical reliability of nuclear reactors. M.: “Atomizdat”, 1980, 261 p.
3. A.M. Baklastov, V.A. Gorbenko, P.G. Removed. Design, installation and operation of heat and mass transfer installations. M.: “Energoizdat”, 1981, 336 p.
4. A.V. Bezsonov, A.V. Zverev, V.A. Pharafons. The main equipment of nuclear power plants with PWPR reactors. Gorky: GTPI, 1981, 82 p.
5. V.M. Budov, A.V. Bezsonov, V.A. Pharafons. The main equipment of nuclear power plants. Gorky: GPI, 1979, 72 p.