Mytrochenko V.V.,Perezhogin S.O.,Selivanov L.I.,Zhyglo V.Ph.,Vodin A.N.,Deiev O.S.,Olejnik S.M.,Timchenko I.S.,Kushnir V.A.
The bremsstrahlung of accelerated electrons passing through a converter is used to study multiparticle photonuclear reactions. The results of calculations, numerical modeling, design, and testing of a special magnetic cleaning system to obtain a “pure” beam of bremsstrahlung quanta when studying the cross-sections of such reactions at the
LUE-40 linac are presented. The system is based on commercially available permanent magnets of rectangular cross-sections. The maximum on-axis field is 0.9 T, which provides sufficient separation of the electron beam and gamma rays at a distance of more than 90 mm from the magnet.
Problems of Atomic Science and Technology
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6 articles.