
Dmitrik V.V.,Glushko A.V.,Kasianenko I.V.,Syrenko T.O.,Baranova T.A.,Asieieva I.V.


In order to solve the problem of increasing the reliability and increasing the service life of welded joints of rotors of high-power turbines of nuclear and thermal power plants, the technology of their manufacture was improved. The improved technology provided obtaining welded joints of rotors with improved characteristics of their original structure and higher mechanical and physical properties. The given properties were determined by comparing with similar properties that are characteristic of the welded connection of the rotor made according to standard technology. The improvement of the technology involved the modeling of welding heating of manufactured joints, which made it possible to optimize the parameters of the mode of automatic welding of the rotor made of 25Х2НМФА steel. For the first time, the thermal problem was solved as a conjugate one under the conditions of the Navier-Stokes and Fourier laws, which provided the results necessary for increasing the reliability of the rotors, as well as increasing their resource.


Problems of Atomic Science and Technology

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