Based on written records and specimens of the new species, Xylopia nilotica D. M. Johnson & N. A. Murray (2018), described from Uganda and west of the Nile in Sudan and South Sudan, we have mapped the species. We find that it also occurs east of the Nile in South Sudan and in western Ethiopia. Its habitats range from open rain forest to open woodland. Modelling the potential distribution of X. nilotica suggests that it occurs in the periphery of the upper Nile basin, but it is probably undercollected. The potential distributions of X. longipetala (a Guineo-Congolian species) and X. holtzii Engl. (an East African coastal species), distinct but previously considered conspecific with X. nilotica, only marginally overlap with that of X. nilotica, which is endemic to the countries Uganda, South Sudan, Sudan, and Ethiopia, apparently a unique pattern of endemism. The new information does not change the assessment of X. nilotica as Vulnerable (VU). Other species of Xylopia in North Eastern Tropical Africa are X. rubescens Oliver and X. thomsonii Oliver in the Equatoria region of South Sudan, and X. rubescens, X. staudtii Engl. & Diels, and X. aethiopica (Dunal) A. Rich. in Uganda. A record of X. aethiopica in Ethiopia is based on false label information on the only known specimen.