New artificial reef in coastal protection reconversion and electric power production


Ventura Pierfranco1ORCID,Palmarocchi Manlio2,Domeniconi Claudio3


1. Sapienza University of Rome, IT

2. ENI - Renewable Energy, IT

3. Breda Energia, IT


The proposal is founded to reconversion the existing breakwaters and artificial nourishments with an artificial reef positioned on the “calm belt” for mimics the location of coral reef. This calm is characterized by the conversion of pulsing vertical wave offshore energy into inshore horizontal currents. The soft barrier, far from the storm surges, diminish water velocity with no erosion in excess and electric power generation. Moreover, the turbines have the impeller semi-submerged and close to an indifferent buoyancy, in order to favor the number of revolutions at minimum currents


Firenze University Press

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