Processo formativo e transizione al lavoro: percorsi nell’Alta Formazione


Boffo Vanna1ORCID


1. University of Florence, IT


Restructuring personal and vocational training by means of the harbinger of a not merely economistic idea of employability represents a fundamental and ineradicable task of educational research and pedagogical reflection. The most obvious effect of such a re-understanding of employability in its function as a pedagogical principle and catalyst of formation, because of its dimension of connaturality with the subjective educational trajectory, is that of reinterpreting transition processes not from a discontinuous perspective, but from a process perspective. Hence the need to think and rethink ordinal architectures and understand the training process according to a logic of continuity and chain in which each individual educational and didactic proposal converges and makes the principle of employability transparent in a generative and transformative way.


Firenze University Press

Reference33 articles.

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