

Bernardi Philippe1ORCID


1. Panthéon-Sorbonne Paris 1 University, FR


The rejection of barter outside of monetised exchanges goes hand in hand with an apprehension of this practice as a ‘primitive’ mode of exchange, and proclaims the 'modernity of money'. At the heart of monetary economies, however, payment in kind coexists with other forms of exchange, such as gifts, exchange, credit, formalised trade and the monetised exchange of goods. The aim of this prolusion is to show that anthropology's re-reading of the practices of barter, exchange and payment in kind provides conceptual tools that enable historians to take stock of the spread and importance of these economic practices. It looks first at the coexistence of barter and money, before examining the diversity of forms taken by payment in kind and its areas of application.


Firenze University Press

Reference72 articles.

1. Beaujouan, Guy. 1958. “Les arithmétiques françaises de la fin du Moyen Âge.” In Actes du VIIIe Congrès international d’histoire des sciences, Florence-Milan, 1956. 84-87. Firenze: Gruppo italiano di storia delle scienze.

2. Belmont, Alain. 2003. “L’artisan en sa boutique: du troc à l’écu.” In, L’argent des campagnes: Echanges, monnaie, crédit dans la France rurale d’Ancien Régime, a cura di Philippe Minard e Denis Woronoff, 113-128. Vincennes: Institut de la gestion publique et du développement économique

3. Bernardi Philippe e Michel Lauwers. 2021. “Travail”. In Nouvelle histoire du Moyen Âge, a cura di Florian Mazel, 903-909. Paris: Seuil.

4. Bernardi, Philippe. 1995. Métiers du bâtiment et techniques de construction à Aix-en-Provence à la fin de l’époque gothique (1400-1550). Aix-en-Provence: Publications de l’Université de Provence.

5. Bernardi, Philippe. 2004. “Pierres réelles ou pierres de compte? Notes sur la mesure d’un matériau de construction.” In La juste mesure. Quantifier, évaluer, mesurer, entre Orient et Occident (VIIIe - XVIIIe siècle), a cura di Laurence Moulinier, Line Sallmann, Catherine Verna e Nicolas Weill-Parot, 35-47. Vincennes: Presses universitaires de Vincennes.







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