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2. Baldinucci F., Notizie de’ Professori del disegno da Cimabue in qua, ed. a cura di F. Ranalli, 5 voll., Batelli, Firenze 1845-1847 (ed. orig. 1681-1728).
3. Berenson B., Italian Pictures of the Renaissance, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1932.
4. Berner S., Florentine Society in the Late Sixteenth and Early Seventeenth Centuries, «Studies in the Renaissance», 18, 1971, pp. 203-246.
5. Berner S., The Florentine Patriciate in the transition from Republic to «Principato», 1530-1609, «Studies in Medieval and Renaissance History», 9, 1972, pp. 3-15.