Arte, storia e prestigio. Per un’introduzione alla ‘ritrattistica genealogica’: la serie Guadagni di Firenze


Prizzon Tommaso1ORCID


1. University of Florence, IT


The paper describes the interesting and widespread phenomenon of genealogic portraiture in Florence by analyzing the case of the Guadagni family and its series of portraits. The series was commissioned during the mid-Seventeenth century by senator Tommaso di Francesco and it was intended to decorate the family House behind the Nunziata thanks to the contributions of many artists. Both in terms of quantity and artistic quality, the Guadagni portrait series represents a precious testimony of this specific portraiture genre, which started during the middle of the sixteenth century and reached its climax during the following century. This genre saw its decline in the 1700s, when the aristocratic ancient families lost their importance, and their illustrious ancestors’ portraits became simple relics of a remote past.


Firenze University Press

Reference46 articles.

1. Ammirato S., Delle famiglie nobili fiorentine, Giunti, Firenze 1615.

2. Baldinucci F., Notizie de’ Professori del disegno da Cimabue in qua, ed. a cura di F. Ranalli, 5 voll., Batelli, Firenze 1845-1847 (ed. orig. 1681-1728).

3. Berenson B., Italian Pictures of the Renaissance, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1932.

4. Berner S., Florentine Society in the Late Sixteenth and Early Seventeenth Centuries, «Studies in the Renaissance», 18, 1971, pp. 203-246.

5. Berner S., The Florentine Patriciate in the transition from Republic to «Principato», 1530-1609, «Studies in Medieval and Renaissance History», 9, 1972, pp. 3-15.







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