1. USC Viterbi School of Engineering, US
Introduces some key notions of cognitive (neuro)science including mirror neurons and perceptual and motor schemas. Much important processing may be subconscious. Af-fordances link multi-modal perception and action. Three linkages of architecture and neuroscience are noted: neuroscience of experience; neuroscience of design; and neuro-morphic architecture, “brains” for buildings. Examples are offered from Zumthor’s Therme at Vals (linking memory and imagination) and a case study of group creativity in choreography (illustrating four-dimensional planning).
Reference48 articles.
1. Arbib M., Lee J.Y. 2008, “Describing Visual Scenes: Towards a Neurolinguistics Based on Construction Grammar”, in «Brain Research» n. 1225, pp. 146–162.
2. Arbib M., Bonaiuto J.J., Jacobs S., and Frey S.H., “Tool Use and the Distalization of the End-Effector”, in «Psychological Research» n. 73 (2008), pp. 441-462.
3. Arbib M., Gasser B., Barrès V. 2014, “Language is handy but is it embodied?”, in «Neuropsychologia», Vol. 55, marzo, pp. 57-70.
4. Arbib Michael 1972, The Metaphorical Brain: An Introduction to Cybernetics as Artificial Intelligence and Brain Theory, Wiley-Interscience, New York.
5. Arbib Michael 1989, The Metaphorical Brain 2: Neural Networks and Beyond, Wiley-Interscience, New York.