Un panno medievale dell’azienda pratese di Francesco Datini


Degl’Innocenti Daniela1,Nigro Giampiero2ORCID


The volume concludes a multi-year study conceived and carried out by the Museo del Tessuto of Prato, which involved public bodies and cultural institutions in the city motivated by the desire to see one of the identifying products of the Prato textile district returned to contemporary life: its cloth. The idea to experimentally reconstruct the cloth arose from the study of some documents of the Datini Fund, a unique archival complex in the world for historical and economic studies on the Middle Ages. The collective and interdisciplinary project is documented in a volume created in collaboration with the International Institute of Economic History “F. Datini”. The historical contributions on the manufacturing and commercial management of the Datini cloth are followed by a second part that documents the study and experimentation phases of its reconstruction.


Firenze University Press

Reference154 articles.

1. Ammannati F., «Se non piace loro l’arte, mutinla in una altra». I «lavoranti» dell’Arte della lana fiorentina tra XIV e XVI secolo in «Annali di Storia di Firenze», VII, 2012: 5-33.

2. Ammannati F., Intermediari del lavoro nell’Arte della Lana in Toscana tra basso medioevo e prima età moderna, «Storia Economica», 2019, 22 (1): 69-92.

3. Ammannati F., Craft Guild Legislation and Woollen Production: the Florentine Arte della Lana in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries, in K. Davids, De Munck (edited by), Innovation and Creativity in Late Medieval and Early Modern European Cities, Routledge, Farnham 2014, 55-79: 60.

4. Ammannati F., Gli opifici lanieri di Francesco di Marco Datini, in G. Nigro (a cura di), Francesco di Marco Datini. L’uomo il mercante, Firenze University Press, Firenze 2010, 497-523.

5. Ammannati F., Il costo della libertà nei conti di alcuni personaggi, «Prato Storia e Arte», 112, 2012: 39-51.








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