On the importance of implementing the vitamin D deficiency in children and adolescents of the Russian Federation program to improve anti-infectious immunity and long-term health prognosis in children


Malyavskaya Svetlana I.ORCID


The article presents the literature data on the immunomodulatory properties of vitamin D and the results of studies in which the increased risk and frequency of various respiratory infections in children with its deficiency were noted. Vitamin D belongs to the class of secosteroids and, having a pleiotropic mechanism of action, plays an important role in maintaining basic regulatory functions in the body during all periods of ontogenesis. As numerous studies show, adequate provision of vitamin D helps to reduce morbidity, including infectious, and its low level is associated with many negative aspects in relation to a number of diseases (cancer, allergies, autoimmune, cardiac). The ability of vitamin D to act as a protective factor, providing an immunomodulatory response and, conversely, in the presence of deficiency to act as a risk factor for the development and course of respiratory viral infection makes it relevant to search for relationships and causal factors. Use of vitamin D preparations is necessary for prevention and treatment of children and adults at complex approach to therapy of infections, including SARS-CoV-2.


Consilium Medicum

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