The role of vitamin D in the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory infections in children: A review


Lokshina Evelina E.ORCID,Zaytseva Olga V.ORCID


The highest frequency of acute respiratory infections occurs in children aged 37 years (preschoolers), when the child begins to meet with an increased infectious load in children's organized groups. Vitamin D deficiency or insufficiency is often detected in children with recurrent respiratory infections. At the same time, vitamin D is a complex regulator of innate and adaptive immunity, has an immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effect, and protects from a severe infection. The results of international and Russian studies demonstrate the feasibility of using vitamin D for the prevention and treatment of a number of respiratory infections in children and adults.


Consilium Medicum

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4. Prevention of recurrent respiratory infections

5. Профилактика и лечение дефицита витамина D: выбор оптимального подхода







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