Motherhood and infant feeding: Historical aspects and current practice: A review


Zakharova Irina N.ORCID,Sugian Narine G.ORCID,Kosareva Angelina A.,German Natalia V.,Orobinskaia Iana V.,Pupykina Viktoriya V.ORCID


In recent years there has been a deterioration in demographic indicators: a decrease in the birth rate, an increase in adult mortality, etc., due to numerous causes. In this context, the article addresses demographic issues related to subcultures and ideologies, such as childfree. The main characteristics of people classified as rejecters, aficionados, refusers, and postponers are discussed. We present the first results of a study conducted at the Khimki regional hospital. The study included 25 pregnant women. The survey results showed that most were planning a pregnancy before 30. A survey of expectant mothers indicated a positive attitude towards breastfeeding. The article discusses the issues of breastfeeding as an essential stage in forming a child's immunity and the factors of breastfeeding success. Women's nutrition during pregnancy and breastfeeding should be diverse and rich in vitamins and micronutrients. Special maternal drinks, such as Amalthea, based on New Zealand goat milk, can benefit breastfeeding. In the absence of breast milk, the selection of formula for the baby is one of the most challenging issues. It is important that the infant formula meet the child's nutritional needs to the maximum extent possible, including the functional milk components. For instance, the Nanny formula is based on New Zealand goat milk, using a single heat treatment process without separating milk into fractions, which preserves the native functional components of goat milk (oligosaccharides, nucleotides, milk fat).


Consilium Medicum

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