Leading-edge non-specific prevention of a new coronavirus infection and acute respiratory infections of other etiology


Vavilova Vera P.ORCID,Vavilov Alexander M.ORCID,Tsarkova Sofya A.ORCID


Background. Acute respiratory infections (ARI) in pediatric practice remain one of the most relevant problems, therefore, it is necessary to search for effective prevention schemes in terms of pandemic caused by the new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. Aim. To evaluate preventive effect of one of the Polyoxidonium drug regimens in respect to SARS, influenza and COVID-19, compared with the absence of drug prophylaxis in children attending children's organized groups. Materials and methods. A prospective open comparative cohort study of the effectiveness of Polyoxidonium used as a preventing treatment against acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI), influenza and coronavirus infection in children attending organized groups was carried out. In the 1st group children (n=300) received Polyoxidonium 1/2 tablet of 12 mg once a day for 7 days, then 21 days drug-free interval (3 courses over a period of 3 months), in the 2nd group children (n=300) received Polyoxidonium 1/2 tablet of 12 mg 1 time per day for 10 days, then 4 days drug-free interval (6 courses over a period of 3 months), group 3 (n=300) control children did not receive prophylactic drugs. The effectiveness of prevention regimen was assessed using morbidity rate and changes in sIgA and lysozyme activity in the nasal secretion. Results. In the active groups with Polyoxidonium treatment a significant decrease in the number of cases of ARI and COVID-19 was recorded compared with the control group. The beneficial effect of the preventive use of Polyoxidonium on the likelihood of developing ARVI, COVID-19 and their clinical course was more significant in group 2 (p=0.0001) than in group 1. A positive preventive effect of Polyoxidonium on the development of ARVI, COVID-19 and their clinical course in group 1 was noted when compared to the control group (p=0.0001). In group 2, none of the participants developed pneumonia, while in group 1 one case of pneumonia was registered, and in the control group pneumonia was noted in seven children (2.3%); p=0.0327, 0.0078. The use of Polyoxidonium led to a significant increase in local immunity of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract lysozyme and sIgA in groups 1 and 2 [1 group sIgA 0.240.14 g/L (p=0.0085), lysozyme 60.918.53% (p=0.0084); 2 group sIgA 0.240.14 g/L (p=0.0024), lyzozyme 65.016.62% (p=0.0001)]. Conclusion. The use of Polyoxidonium drug as a preventing care for ARI and COVID-19 meets up to date requirements and can serve as an additional protection line against infection in children in organized groups.


Consilium Medicum

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