Incidence of the new coronavirus infection in children based on outpatient data in Voronezh


Cherkasova Olga A.ORCID,Moshurova Larisa V.ORCID


Background. The article analyzes the COVID-19 incidence in children managed in the pediatric outpatient department of the Voronezh City Outpatient Clinic №1, summarizes and systematizes the data on the spread of SARS-CoV-2 in children. Aim. To study the COVID-19 incidence in the children of the pediatric outpatient department №2 of the Voronezh City Outpatient Clinic №1 by age group and gender for 20202022. Materials and methods. A retrospective epidemiological analysis was carried out at of the pediatric outpatient department №2 of the Voronezh City Outpatient Clinic №1. The incidence of COVID-19 in children in 20202022 was studied on the basis of information from the register of infectious diseases (form 060/y). The study included all laboratory-confirmed cases of COVID-19 infection in children registered in the Voronezh City Outpatient Clinic №1 for 20202022. Patients were divided into groups by age and gender to study the features of the course of the new coronavirus infection. Results. There were no gender differences in the structure of COVID-19 incidence in 20202022, according to the data of the pediatric outpatient department №2 of the Voronezh City Outpatient Clinic №1. COVID-19 was reported in all age groups; the lowest rate was in newborns (0.3%), the highest in children 1014 years old (25.7%). Conclusion. Six completed epidemic waves were observed in the study period, corresponding to all-Russian statistical data. There were no deaths reported in healthcare organizations for the study period.


Consilium Medicum

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