Nutrition characteristic of pregnant and breastfeeding women during the pandemic of a new coronavirus infection COVID-19


Legonkova Tatiana I.ORCID,Shpakovskaya Ksenia S.ORCID,Shtykova Olga N.ORCID,Shilina Nataliya M.ORCID,Gmoshinskaya Maria V.ORCID


Aim. To study the nutritional characteristics of pregnant and lactating women in the context of the development of the pandemic of the new coronavirus infection COVID-19. Materials and methods. The study has been conducted on 203 women. The first observation group included 100 women whose pregnancy and lactation took place before the development of the pandemic, the second group included 103 women whose pregnancy and lactation took place during the pandemic of a new coronavirus infection. The research of nutrition has been carried out using a comparative analysis based on a frequency questionnaire-survey method. Results. Specific nutritional abnormalities of pregnant and lactating women in the conditions of the pandemic of the new coronavirus infection, different from the nutrition of this contingent before the pandemic, have been identified. This is reflected in the increased consumption of confectionery, low-alcohol beverages, poultry meat, eggs and reduced consumption of dairy products, red meat and seafood in combination with an increased level of anxiety, psycho-somatic abnormalities and a reduced level of physical activity. A nutrition optimization scheme for pregnant and breastfeeding women has been developed. Сonclusion. The nutrition of a woman during pregnancy and period of lactation has a direct impact on the normal course of pregnancy, the formation of full lactation, the health of the mother and child. It is important to compose a balanced diet, review and correct it taking into account the individual needs of women, physiological characteristics, level of physical activity, pregnancy and lactation.


Consilium Medicum

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