Assessment of changes in urinalysis from the position of general pediatrician


Chugunova Olga L.ORCID,Yaroshevskaya Olga I.ORCID


Abnormal findings in urinalysis are one of the most common symptoms kidneys and urinary tract diseases. Authors discuss assessment of changes in urinalysis from the position of general pediatrician. The normal values of protein, erythrocytes, leukocytes, cylinders, crystals, glucose in urine are considered, as evidenced by changes in these parameters, as well as changes of urinary color and specific gravity. The algorithm of the pediatrician's tactics after detection of different degrees of proteinuria, erythrocyturia and leukocyturia is presented. It is shown that with a high degree of severity of changes in urine, especially in combination with arterial hypertension, edema, fever, and other clinical symptoms, needs in emergent specialized impatient medical aid. In other cases, outpatient examination and treatment are recommended. The issues of urinary tract infection (UTI), diagnosed by the presence of piuria and bacteriuria, are discussed. Routine method of UTIs treatment is antibiotic therapy, but the existence of uropathogens in the form of biofilms contributes to their drug resistance, which dictates actuality of alternative therapeutic methods search. In cases without anatomical obstacles to urinary flow, including patients with functional disorders of urination, the application of the phytodrug Canephron N, which contains three medicinal plants (centaury herb, lovage root and rosemary leaves), can be effective. The drug is prescribed after antibacterial therapy or simultaneously with it, is effective as an anti-relapse therapy, helps to reduce crystalluria and normalize the passage of urine. In vitro experiments show its ability to inhibit the formation of microbial biofilms. The drug in the form of a solution can be prescribed to children aged 1 year and older.


Consilium Medicum

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