Are clinical guidelines important in pediatric practice?


Bekhtereva Maria K.,Komarova Anna M.


Due to measures to optimize the healthcare system, the role of the primary care specialist is constantly increasing. The professional standard of a primary care pediatrician clearly defines his/her job functions, but a significant number of pediatricians do not always follow the regulatory documents on the provision of medical care to patients. Nevertheless, in case of any conflicts and in case of assessing the quality of medical care within the framework of various types of examinations, first of all, the compliance of the provided medical care with the current regulatory documents is assessed. The standard of medical care is not intended to make any decisions on the treatment of a particular patient, it is an economic tool. Amendments to the law №323-FZ "On the Fundamentals of Healthcare in the Russian Federation", adopted in 2018, gave clinical guidelines the status of mandatory for implementation along with standards, regulations, and procedures for providing medical care. Thus, clinical guidelines in our country are the basis for medical care, prepared by professional medical communities taking into account domestic and foreign meta-analyses and randomized clinical trials, and are aimed at protecting the rights of patients and medical workers. In the article on the example of clinical guidelines for salmonellosis in children the therapy option in the form of probiotics, the validity of their use in various clinical situations is analyzed.


Consilium Medicum

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