The control of blood pressure level as the prevention of cognitive impairment


Melnik M V,Afonicheva I I,Kazyulin A A


Today the prevalence of cognitive impairment is a large scale. At the end of the pathological process partial or complete, social, professional and common maladjustment and disability comes. One of the main factors of progression of cognitive impairment is a decrease in adherence to the therapy, forming a vicious circle of the underlying disease and its complications. In the article we examine the prevalence, pathogenesis and classification of cognitive impairment of patients with arterial hypertension, memory impairment, analyze the relationship of high blood pressure numbers. The use of modern antihypertensive drugs, with adequate control of blood pressure reduces the risk of development and progression of cognitive impairment. To this end, successfully it can be used calcium channel blocker lercanidipine third generation, which has high anti-hypertensive activity, cerebroprotective function, causing regression of cognitive disorders, enhancing the quality of life of patients. Nowadays there is a small number of studies investigating the effect of calcium channel blockers on cognitive function, that led to the study of this issue.


LLC Obyedinennaya Redaktsiya







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