Prevention of febrile neutropenia in oncological patients: real-world data


Sapozhnikov Kirill V.ORCID,Sorokina Irina V.ORCID,Gusev Aleksandr V.ORCID,Sableva Natalia A.ORCID,Sokolova Valeriia D.ORCID,Tolkacheva Daria G.ORCID,Berezina Anna M.ORCID


Aim. To assess the effect of febrile neutropenia (FN) prophylaxis with granulocyte colony-stimulating factors (G-CSF) in real-world cancer patients. Materials and methods. We conducted a statistical analysis of anonymized medical records collected in the Webiomed platform. Before analysis, the cards were validated by clinical experts. Electronic records were extracted according to two principles: mentioning D70 in the diagnosis or mentioning a chemotherapy regimen associated with a high risk of FN (20%), requiring the primary prevention of neutropenia. Thus, we obtained two datasets comprising 47.085 (590 patients) and 30.523 (398 patients) records, respectively. Results. Based on the analysis results, the most common risk factors for FN development were highly hematologically toxic chemotherapy regimens and elderly age about 50% in the adult population. In both datasets, the number of female patients prevailed (63.7% in dataset 1, 91.2% in dataset 2), so the most common was breast cancer. Less common were cervical cancer, digestive cancer, and lung cancer. Despite the indications for primary prevention of FN, for safety and importance of achieving the planned dose intensity, it was administered in 18.3% of patients in dataset 1 and 2.3% in dataset 2. No FN or G-CSF-related adverse events were reported in patients who received adequate primary prevention. Conclusion. Some issues related to G-CSF administration in cancer patients were identified. We identified the insufficient provision of patients with primary prevention of FN, which negatively affects survival rates and reduces adherence to antitumor therapy. Real-world data demonstrate the efficacy and safety of FN prevention and planned dose intensity maintance in cytotoxic therapy regimens.


Consilium Medicum


Cancer Research,Oncology

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