Phenotypes of gastroesophageal reflux disease: classification, pathogenesis and diagnostic criteria: A review


Maev Igor V.ORCID,Barkalova Elena V.ORCID,Ovsepian Mariia A.ORCID,Andreev Dmitry N.ORCID


The literature review focuses on the current understanding of visceral hypersensitivity mechanisms in the esophagus. Mechanisms of peripheral and central sensitization and their relation to heartburn symptoms are covered in detail. Diagnostic criteria and algorithms for non-erosive reflux disease, functional heartburn, and esophagus hypersensitivity based on pH-impedance testing and high-resolution esophageal manometry data are presented.


Consilium Medicum

Reference63 articles.

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4. Recommendations of the Russian Gastroenterological Association in Diagnosis and Treatment of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

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