Algorithms for management of patients with severe A/H1N1 influenza: from diagnosis to respiratory support techniques. Guidelines


Avdeev Sergey N.ORCID,Zaytsev Andrey A.ORCID,Zhdanov Konstantin V.ORCID,Patsenko Mikhail B.,Chernov Sergei A.,Stets Valerii V.,Potekhin Nikolai P.,Sergoventsev Aleksander A.,Davydov Denis V.,Kryukov Evgeniy V.ORCID,Chernetsov Vladimir A.


In 2022, the incidence of swine (A/H1N1) influenza markedly increased. It causes acute lung injury similar to that caused by SARS-CoV-2. These practice guidelines focus on the management of patients with severe influenza: from the diagnostic algorithm to the specifics of therapy and the use of respiratory support techniques. The guidelines provide recommendations on the rational pharmacotherapy principles: antiviral, antibacterial, mucoactive, anticoagulant, and symptomatic. The need to avoid prescribing drugs that may worsen the condition of patients with A/H1N1 influenza that are effective in other viral lung diseases, including SARS-CoV-2, has been pointed out. A detailed review of the criteria for initiation and principles of respiratory support is given.


Consilium Medicum

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