Pulmonary heart: A review


Chuchalin Alexander G.ORCID


The review on the problem of the pulmonary heart pursues two goals: firstly, to restore historical justice and to show the priority studies of doctor Dmitry D. Pletnev on such problems as diagnosis of right ventricular myocardial infarction, clinical characteristics of congestive heart failure of the right ventricle; secondly, to outline the modern concept of the pulmonary heart. The review provides an analysis of the pathogenetic mechanisms of the development of heart failure in the pulmonary heart. Much attention is paid to echo cardiography data and biological markers are emphasized in assessing the function of the right atrium, right ventricle, tricuspid valve regurgitation, pulmonary artery pressure. Prognostically unfavorable signs of the course of the pulmonary heart have been identified, which include a high degree of tricuspid valve regurgitation, the amplitude of movement of the fibrous valve ring (TAPSE) and atrial fibrillation developing with dilation of the right atrium.


Consilium Medicum


General Medicine,Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism,History,Family Practice,General Medicine

Reference35 articles.

1. Плетнев Д.Д. Болезни сердца. М., 1936–2022 [Pletnev DD. Bolezni serdtsa. Moscow, 1936–2022 (in Russian)].

2. Плетнев Д.Д. К вопросу о прижизненной дифференциальной диагностики тромбоза правой и левой венечных артерий сердца. Русская клиника. 1925 [Pletnev DD. K voprosu o prizhiznennoi differentsial'noi diagnostiki tromboza pravoi i levoi venechnykh arterii serdtsa. Russkaia klinika. 1925 (in Russian)].

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5. Starr I, Jeffers WA, Meade RH Jr. The absence of conspicuous increments of venous pressure after severe damage to the right ventricle of the dog, with a discussion of the relation between clinical congestive failure and heart disease. Am Heart J. 1943;26:291-301.








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