Molecular mechanisms of the effect of standardized placental hydrolysate peptides on mitochondria functioning


Torshin Ivan Yu.ORCID,Gromova Olga A.ORCID,Tikhonova Olga V.ORCID,Chuchalin Alexander G.ORCID


Background. Human placenta hydrolysates (HPH), the study of which was initiated by the scientific school of Vladimir P. Filatov, are currently being investigated using modern proteomic technologies. HPH is a promising tool for maintaining the function of mitochondria and regenerating tissues and organs with a high content of mitochondria (liver, heart muscle, skeletal muscles, etc.). The molecular mechanisms of action of HPH are practically not studied. Aim. Identification of mitochondrial support mitochondrial function-supporting peptides in HPH (Laennec, produced by Japan Bioproducts). Materials and methods. Data on the chemical structure of the peptides were collected through a mass spectrometric experiment. Then, to establish the amino acid sequences of the peptides, de novo peptide sequencing algorithms based on the mathematical theory of topological and metric analysis of chemographs were applied. Bioinformatic analysis of the peptide composition of HPH was carried out using the integral protein annotation method. Results. The biological functions of 41 peptides in the composition of HPH have been identified and described. Among the target proteins, the activity of which is regulated by the identified peptides and significantly affects the function of mitochondria, are caspases (CASP1, CASP3, CASP4) and other proteins regulating apoptosis (BCL2, CANPL1, PPARA), MAP kinases (MAPK1, MAPK3, MAPK4, MAPK8, MAPK9 , MAPK10, MAPK14), AKT1/GSK3B/MTOR cascade kinases, and a number of other target proteins (ADGRG6 receptor, inhibitor of NF-êB kinase IKKE, pyruvate dehydrogenase 2/3/4, SIRT1 sirtuin deacetylase, ULK1 kinase). Conclusion. HPH peptides have been identified that promote inhibition of mitochondrial pore formation, apoptosis, and excessive mitochondrial autophagy under conditions of oxidative/toxic stress, chronic inflammation, and/or hyperinsulinemia.


Consilium Medicum

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