Efficacy and safety of topical combination therapy in patients with acute otitis externa


Gurov Alexander V.ORCID,Kriukov Andrey I.ORCID,Shadrin Georgy B.ORCID,Izotova Galina N.ORCID,Zotova Polina K.ORCID


Aim. To study the structure of the microbial landscape in patients with acute otitis externa, as well as to evaluate the efficacy and safety of the combined drug chloramphenicol/clotrimazole/beclomethasone/lidocaine (Candibiotic) as an empirical therapy of this disease.Materials and methods. In this retrospective study of real clinical practice, outpatient records of 963 patients who applied to the KDO of the Sverzhevsky Research Clinical Institute of Otorhinolaryngology with symptoms of otitis externa in the period from 2017 to 2022 were selected. Additional analysis was carried out on the clinical records of patients who received the combined drug Candibiotic. The endpoints of this analysis included data on the clinical and microbiological efficacy of therapy, as well as safety information.Results. According to microbiological testing, 60.6% of microorganisms belonged to bacterial flora, 26% were bacterial-fungal associations, 11.6% were monofungal flora, in 1.8% of cases there was no growth of microorganisms. The most frequently isolated microorganisms were: Pseudomonas spp (n=291; 29.16%), Staphylococcus spp. (n=214; 21.4%), Candida spp. (n=194; 19.4%), Aspergillus spp. (n=133; 13.3%). Most of the patients (71.0%) received Candibiotic. In 69.7% of patients, the resolution of the clinical symptoms of otitis externa occurred within 7 days of therapy with Candibiotic. Complete eradication of microorganisms occurred in 87% of cases. Adverse events were recorded only in 3 (0.04%) cases.Conclusion. The study demonstrated an extremely high level of clinical efficacy and safety of therapy in patients with acute external infectious otitis who received the Candibiotic, which can be used as an initial empirical therapy in patients with otitis externa.


Consilium Medicum


General Medicine,Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism,History,Family Practice,General Medicine

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