Morozova Yu. N.,Pogromov A. P.,Mnatsakanyan M. G.,Tashchyan O. V.,Kolosova K. Yu.
Aim.To study the whole range of esophageal disorders in patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) using high-tech methods.
Materials and methods.102 IBS patients (47 males, mean age 40.8, diagnosis of IBS was established according to Rome III criteria) with esophageal symptoms (heartburn, belching, globus sensation and noncardiac chest pain) were examined in gastroenterology department. All patients underwent endoscopy, with biopsies if required, X-ray examination of upper gastrointestinal tract; 24-hour pH-impedance monitoring;13C-urea breath test. Evaluation of esophageal symptoms was carried out on the basis of Rome IV criteria.
Results.21 (20.6%) individuals had esophagitis (ERD). According to 24-hour pH-monitoring data, 7 of them had overlap between GERD and functional esophageal disorders (FED). 27 (26.5%) individuals had nonerosive reflux disease (NERD). In 54 (52.9%) individuals endoscopy and pH-impedance monitoring data did not differ from normal, suggesting this group as group of patients with FED. There was no significant difference for age, sex and IBS subtypes in GERD, NERD and FED groups.
Conclusion.Comorbid esophageal disorders in patients with IBS are different and represented by organic diseases, FED and overlap between them. Methods such as 24-h pH-impedance measurement and esophageal manometry should be used to assess comorbid esophageal disorders in IBS patients.
General Medicine,Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism,History,Family Practice
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