Heart Diseases by Professor Dmitry D. Pletnev (for the reprint of D.D. Pletnev's monograph “Heart Diseases”, 1936)


Chuchalin Alexander G.ORCID,Bobkov Eugeny V.ORCID


The article presents a brief review of Heart Diseases (1936), the monograph by one of the founders of domestic and world cardiology Dmitry Dmitrievich Pletnev. In the monograph, he summarized his clinical and experimental approach to the issues of heart diseases, addressed several fundamental problems of modern physiology and healthcare, introduced the concept of functional unit and functional unity of the whole body, the concept of the extracardiac genesis of the chest frog, differential diagnosis of left and right ventricle myocardial infarction, semiotics and treatment of chronic heart failure, functional diagnosis of heart arrhythmias. All these approaches and concepts have long been included in the classics of world cardiology.


Consilium Medicum


General Medicine,Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism,History,Family Practice

Reference7 articles.

1. Плетнев Д.Д. Болезни сердца. М.: Научно-практический журнал «Пульмонология». Изд. 2-е, доп., 2022 [Pletnev DD. Bolezni serdtsa. Moscow: Nauchno-prakticheskii zhurnal “Pul'monologiia”. Izd. 2-ye, dop., 2022 (in Russian)].

2. Плетнев Д.Д. Русские терапевтические школы. Захарьин. Боткин. Остроумов. М.-Петроград: Издательство Л.Д. Френкель, 1923 [Pletnev DD. Russkiie terapevticheskiie shkoly. Zakhar'in. Botkin. Ostroumov. Moscow-Petrograd: Izdatel'stvo LD Frenkel', 1923 (in Russian)].

3. Russian Therapeutic School: D.D. Pletnev, A.L. Myasnikov, E.I. Chazov

4. Hydrogen inhalation in rehabilitation program of the medical staff recovered from COVID-19

5. Руководства по патологической физиологии (в 3 т., 1935–1937; Сталинская премия 1941) [Rukovodstva po patologicheskoI fiziologii (v 3 t., 1935–1937; Stalinskaia premiia 1941) (in Russian)].








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