Assessment of exo- and endocrine function of pancreas following distal pancreatectomy


Malykh Marina V.ORCID,Dubtsova Elena A.ORCID,Vinokurova Lyudmila V.ORCID,Les’ko Konstantin A.ORCID,Dorofeev Alexey S.ORCID,Kiryukova Maria A.ORCID,Savina Irina V.ORCID,Tsvirkun Victor V.ORCID,Bordin Dmitry S.ORCID


Aim. The assessment of pancreatic resection volume influence on exo- and endocrine pancreatic functions. Materials and methods. The resected pancreatic volume influence was assessed in 47 patients: 31 (66%) patients after resections of pancreatic body and tail, and 16 (34%) patients after distal resections. The exocrine pancreatic function was assessed by pancreatic fecal elastase 1 as well as endocrine pancreatic function was assessed by C-peptide level measurement. Computed tomography with intravenous contrast enhancement and postprocessing was used for pre- and postoperative pancreatic volume assessment. All tests were performed before and 1, 3, and 6 months after surgery. Results. Type of surgery had no influence on C-peptide and pancreatic fecal elastase 1 levels (p0.05). Exo- and endocrine pancreatic functions markers tended to decrease in 1st month after surgery with consequent functions restoration towards 6 months after surgery. There were 15 (35.7%) patients from 42 patients with normal exocrine pancreatic function with a fecal elastase 1 level decrease to 114.761.8 g/g; exocrine insuficiency remained only in 2 (4.8%) patients after 6 months after surgery. C-peptide concentration decrease before surgery to less than 1.1 ng/ml was noticed only in 8 (17%) patients. C-peptide concentration decreased in 30 (63.8%) patients in 1st month after surgery, but after 6 months after surgery, C-peptide level decrease was only in 7 (14.9%) patients. Conclusion. The exo- and endocrine function of the pancreas is restored in more than 80% of patients after DR. Probably it could be associated with the activation of the pancreatic compensatory abilities.


Consilium Medicum


General Medicine,Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism,History,Family Practice

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