Of undoubted interest is the search for new drugs comparable in effectiveness to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), but with a safer application profile. NSAIDs are characterized by a good analgesic effect due to the modulation of prostaglandin metabolism by inhibition of cyclooxygenase-2. One of the promising directions of pharmacotherapy of degenerative-dystrophic joint lesions is the use of symptom-modifying drugs of delayed action, which include chondroitin sulfate (CS). CS has antiresorptive activity, anti-inflammatory and anti-inflamaging effects. In addition to the direct effect on pain syndrome severity, he also have a modulating level effect of systemic inflammation of cartilage tissue. According to experts of international and Russian societies, pharmaceutical prescription-quality CS is a basic part of the treatment of osteoarthritis. One of the advantages of CS over NSAIDs is the preservation of the effect for 24 months after the treatment. Against the background of the use of CS, it is possible to reduce the dose or completely cancel NSAIDs, which helps to reduce the frequency of adverse events associated with their intake. CS has a favorable safety profile, which is important for elderly patients and those with comorbid diseases (cardioprotective effects). CS drugs can be administered per orally, intramuscularly, intra-articularly and in combination with different administration methods. Several clinical trials of CS (Chondrogard), including randomized, were conducted in Russia. The Russia Health Ministry approved the appointment of parenteral CS in clinical guidelines: Chronic pain in elderly and senile patients (2020), Falls in elderly and senile patients(2020), "Knee osteoarthritis" (2021), "Hip osteoarthritis" (2021).
General Medicine,Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism,History,Family Practice