Background. After an episode of abnormal uterine bleeding, it is of critical importance to restore endometrial receptivity to prevent the recurrence of abnormal uterine bleeding and implement reproductive plans.
Aim. To study endometrial steroid receptor expression in women of reproductive age after an episode of abnormal uterine bleeding due to ovulatory dysfunction during micronized progesterone or combined oral contraceptive therapy with bioidentical estrogen and dienogest.
Materials and methods. A cohort prospective study was conducted. The study included 70 females aged 1840 years who were observed with abnormal uterine bleeding due to ovulatory dysfunction at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Ural State Medical University based at the Yekaterinburg Municipal Hospital №40 from 2016 to 2018. After a bleeding episode, the patients received a combined oral contraceptive with bioidentical estrogen and dienogest or micronized progesterone.
Results. During therapy, variable changes in the expression of estrogen and progesterone receptors in the stromal and glandular components of the endometrium during the 6-month follow-up were observed.
Discussion. Changes in steroid receptor expression and endometrial receptivity during hormone therapy are similar, although certain trends are identified which can guide the choice of hormone therapy.
Conclusion. Due to the lack of complete recovery of steroid receptor expression and endometrial receptivity, even 6 months after hormonal treatment, short courses of hormonal rehabilitation after abnormal uterine bleeding due to ovulatory dysfunction are not sufficient, and permanent hormonal contraception or periodic courses of progestogens are required to prevent a relapse of the endometrial proliferation.
Obstetrics and Gynecology
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