Predictors of preeclampsia. Screening and prophylaxis in the I trimester of pregnancy


Gabidullina Rushania I.ORCID,Ganeeva Albina V.ORCID,Shigabutdinova Tatiana N.


Aim. To examine the current state of the problem of the prediction of preeclampsia in early pregnancy. Materials and methods. The article provides an overview of publications based on search results in electronic resources PubMed, Elibrary, EMBASE and Google Scholar. Results. The currently known predictors of preeclampsia can be divided into biochemical and hemodynamic. A number of markers demonstrate prognostic value already in the early stages of gestation. To predict preeclampsia, algorithms are created. They include various combinations of its predictors and maternal risk factors. Conclusion. Prediction of preeclampsia is gradually moving from theory to practice. The instruments of its early forecasting before the gestational age of 14 weeks 6 days are becoming available. That opens up opportunities for targeted and timely prevention of preeclampsia.


Consilium Medicum


Obstetrics and Gynaecology

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