Experience of the combined use of iron and folic acid preparations for the correction of latent iron deficiency in the clinical practice of an obstetrician-gynecologist. Clinical case


Zefirova Tatiana P.ORCID,Mukhametova Renata R.ORCID,Khaertdinov Albert T.ORCID,Garipova Enzhe M.


Iron deficiency anemia is widespread among the female population. Pregnant women are a particularly vulnerable group, because the existing iron reserves are inadequate, and during pregnancy the need for iron for the formation of the placenta and fetal growth increases sharply, as a result, there is an imbalance between the intake and consumption of this trace element. Anemia increases the risks of various complications of gestation and multiplies maternal mortality. Note an increase in the frequency of premature childbirth, the threat of termination of pregnancy, placental insufficiency, weakness of labor, fetal development delay, fetal hypoxia, low birth weight of the newborn, the volume of pathological blood loss during childbirth and in the early postpartum period. At the same time, the development of these pathological conditions can be prevented by following modern protocols of pre-pregnancy preparation and pregnancy management. Prevention of anemia includes the use of various iron preparations, as well as new combinations, in particular a combination of 80 mg of elemental iron and 350 mcg of folic acid. In the article, we describe clinical cases demonstrating a rational preventive approach that prevents the development of clinical anemia and promotes safe perinatal outcomes for mother and fetus.


Consilium Medicum


Obstetrics and Gynecology

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