Restoration of reproductive function in women with a history of miscarriage of the first trimester of bacterial etiology


Fedorova Anna I.ORCID,Novikov Evgenii I.ORCID,Grin Ekaterina A.ORCID,Koptelova Anna I.ORCID,Myagkov Andrei E.ORCID


Aim. To form diagnostic and therapeutic complexes in women with a history of miscarriage of the first trimester of bacterial etiology at the outpatient stage for the restoration of reproductive function. Materials and methods. The present study included 80 women after inpatient treatment in the gynecological department of Dzhanelidze Saint Petersburg Institute of Emergency Care for miscarriage of the first trimester. At the outpatient stage after 13 months these women were examined in the St. Petersburg City Оutpatients' clinic №44, Saint-Petersburg Maternity Clinic No. 5, Saint-Petersburg Maternity Clinic No. 19 and Medical Center "Academic Medicine". Results. Cervicitis was detected in 85% of patients, the correlation with the diagnosis made in the hospital was 96%. Non-specific vaginitis, candida vaginitis, and bacterial vaginosis were mostly combined with cervicitis and chronic endometritis. Chronic endometritis was verified in 62 women. A survey of permanent sexual partners showed that most of them (66.1%) had an inflammatory process in the urogenital tract. The comparability of the results of detection of bacterial associations was 82%. All women received comprehensive treatment and pre-gravidar training, as well as treatment for a permanent sexual partner. After the treatment, the reproductive function of the women studied was monitored for 24 months. The results of the retrospective analysis showed that pregnancy occurred in 59 (73.8%) cases in the patients of the study group. Conclusion. Complex diagnostics of inflammatory diseases of the lower genital organs should include clinical, microscopic, bacteriological, cytological and PCR methods, colposcopy. The frequency of detection of cervicitis and chronic endometritis in women at the outpatient stage of management of women with miscarriage of the first trimester is highly correlated with each other. The proposed complex therapy of inflammatory diseases of the lower genital tract contributes to the restoration and preservation of the reproductive function of women with an miscarriage of the first trimester of bacterial etiology in the anamnesis.


Consilium Medicum


Obstetrics and Gynecology

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