Modern possibilities of optimization of local hormonotherapy of urogenital disorders in women on the basis of combined use of vaginal forms of estriol and progesterone


Tyuzikov I A,Zhilenko M I,Polikarpova S R


In the review article, the problem of optimization of local hormone therapy of urogenital disorders in women from the perspective of evidence based medicine on the basis of the modern multifactorial concept of genito-urinary menopausal syndrome (GUMS), which implies an important pathogenetic role of not only the age-related estrogen deficiency, but also the deficiency of other sex hormones in the pathogenesis of disorders urogenital tract in women in peri- and postmenopausal women. The important role of bioidentical progesterone as a metabolically active hormone possessing not only classical (reproductive) physiological effects in the body of a woman but also a whole spectrum of nonclassical (nonproductive) effects that demonstrate the pathogenetic justification of the expediency of topical administration of preparations containing a bioidentical analog of natural progesterone within the framework of a complex and personalized treatment of various clinical manifestations of GUMS, especially in women with sop favoring endogenous progesterone deficiency, which can occur chronologically after the 35 years preceding the age of estrogen deficiency. The comparative characteristics of the available dosage forms of progesterone delivery are demonstrated, and the pathogenetic expediency and effectiveness of the additional prescription of topical progesterone to local estrogen therapy in the most common clinical variants of the GUMS is demonstrated using the latest research.


Consilium Medicum


Obstetrics and Gynaecology

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