The prevalence of renal dysfunction in arterial hypertension (in the framework of the ESSE-RF study)


Oshchepkova E V,Dolgusheva Iu A,Zhernakova Iu V,Chazova I E,Shal'nova S A,Iarovaia E B,Rotar' O P,Konradi A O,Boitsov S A


Objective. To study the prevalence of renal dysfunction, its relation with arterial hypertension and metabolic risk factors.Materials and methods. Data from the ESSE-RF study from 10 regions of the Russian Federation are presented. Renal dysfunction was assessed on the basis of the calculation of glomerular filtration rate (GFR). GFR calculation was conducted on the Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration (GFR-EPI).Results. The study reveals a high prevalence of GFR decline in the population studied (76.8% in women and 23.2% in men). More unfavorable situation was found among the patients with hypertensionand in patients with hypertension and impaired glucose metabolism or diabetes mellitus, in which the prevalence of decrease GFR was higher than in patients without hypertension and without impaired glucose metabolism or diabetes mellitus.Conclusion. Prevalence of renal dysfunction among the Russian population is defined. Associations of reduction in glomerular filtration rate with cardiometabolic risk factors are revealed.


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