It is known that different categorial grammars have surface representation in
a fragment of first order multiplicative linear logic (MLL1). We show that the
fragment of interest is equivalent to the recently introduced extended tensor
type calculus (ETTC). ETTC is a calculus of specific typed terms, which
represent tuples of strings, more precisely bipartite graphs decorated with
strings. Types are derived from linear logic formulas, and rules correspond to
concrete operations on these string-labeled graphs, so that they can be
conveniently visualized. This provides the above mentioned fragment of MLL1
that is relevant for language modeling not only with some alternative syntax
and intuitive geometric representation, but also with an intrinsic deductive
system, which has been absent.
In this work we consider a non-trivial notationally enriched variation of the
previously introduced ETTC, which allows more concise and transparent
computations. We present both a cut-free sequent calculus and a natural
deduction formalism.
Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe (CCSD)
General Computer Science,Theoretical Computer Science