Numerical study of the aerodynamic and power characteristics of the cycloidal rotor, under incoming flow


Дектерев Александр Анатольевич,Дектерев Артем Александрович,Горюнов Юрий Николаевич


Исследование направлено на разработку и апробацию методики численного моделирования аэродинамических и энергетических характеристик циклоидального ротора. За основу взята конфигурация ротора IAT21 L3. Для нее с использованием CFD-пакета ANSYS Fluent построена математическая модель и выполнен расчет. Проанализировано влияние скорости набегающего потока воздуха на движущийся ротор. Математическая модель и полученные результаты исследования могут быть использованы при создании летательных аппаратов с движителями роторного типа. This article addresses the study of the aerodynamic and energy characteristics of a cycloidal rotor subject to the influence of the incoming flow. Cycloidal rotor is one of the perspective devices that provide movement of aircrafts. Despite the fact that the concept of a cycloidal rotor arose in the early twentieth century, the model of a full-scale aircraft has not been yet realized. Foreign scientists have developed models of aircraft ranging in weight from 0.06 to 100 kg. The method of numerical calculation of the cycloidal rotor from the article [1] is considered and realized in this study. The purpose of study was the development and testing of a numerical simulation method for the cycloidal rotor and study aerodynamic and energy characteristics of the rotor in the hovering mode and under the influence of the oncoming flow. The aerodynamic and energy characteristics of the cycloidal rotor, rotating at a speed of 1000 rpm with incoming flow on it with velocities of 20-80 km/h, were calculated. The calculation results showed a directly proportional increase of thrust with an increase of the incoming on the rotor flow velocity, but the power consumed by the rotor was also increased. Increase of the incoming flow velocity leads to the proportional increasing of the lift coefficient and the coefficient of drag. Up to a speed of 80 km/h, an increase in thrust and power is observed; at higher speeds, there is a predominance of nonstationary effects and difficulties in estimating the aerodynamic characteristics of the rotor. In the future, it is planned to consider the 3D formulation of the problem combined with possibility of the flow coming from other sides.


Federal Research Center for Information and Computational Technologies


Applied Mathematics,Computational Theory and Mathematics,Computational Mathematics,Computer Networks and Communications,Numerical Analysis,Software







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