The growing interest in organic farming, which involves a significant
percentage of "green grass" and hay in the animal diet and increasing the
output of milk labeled "100% grass-fed," induces an urgent necessity for
authentication such value-added products. The aim of this study was to
develop the integrated approach for discrimination of organic milk from
farms with silage-haylage and grass-hay cow diet. The research was based
on the characterization of fatty acid composition and carbon stable isotopes
ratios (δ13C), and included data processing with chemometric approach.
It has been shown that absolute value ranges of most fatty acids didn’t allow
to discriminate the milk from different organic farms, although the
difference in certain fatty acids content between separate seasons has been
proven to be statistically significant. This integrated approach with
application of the principal components analysis envisaged that the analyzed
parameters were normalized by the maximum value and the data matrix
consisted of not only absolute values of the fatty acids content, but also
additional derivative parameters (the sum of cis-, trans-isomers etc.). The
approach proved the significance of content values of C16:1 trans-9, C18:1
trans-11, C18:3 cis-9,12,15, C18:2 trans-9,12 and conjugates of linoleic acid
for milk samples discrimination. Thus, the analysis of the total data set of
absolute and derivative normalized parameters by the method of principal
components analysis allows to distinguish completely the organic milk with
different share of green grass and hay in cows diet both the stalling and
pasture periods.
Technical University of Cluj Napoca